Commonly referred to as the Non-Surgical Facelift, the Titan Laser Facial uses the Cutera xeo® laser as a safe and effective way to produce immediate collagen contraction resulting in tighter, younger looking skin.

Titan by Cutera is used for skin tightening and treating loose skin on the face arms, neck, stomach and other areas.

What is Titan Laser?

Titan is a laser treatment which utilizes a safe far-infrared light to heat the dermis well below the skins surface. During the procedure, the skin’s surface (epidermis) is protected through continuous cooling with the Titan handpiece.

As the infrared light penetrated the skin’s surface to act on the deeper layers, the skin’s natural collagen production is boosted, which works to tighten the skin and reduce sagging skin and wrinkles.

Who can be treated?

Since the Titan procedure heats tissue under the skin’s surface, clients of any skin type or age can be treated. The treatments are minimally invasive, so there is typically no downtime, though our specialists consult every person to ensure there are no issues with existing skin conditions or sensitive skin.

Your nurse or doctor at Victoria’s Cosmetic Medical Clinic will recommend a treatment program for you.